Umer Shahid

I am Dr. Umer, and I was an international PhD student at joint doctoral program offered by RISEBA and BA School of Business and Finance Riga, Latvia. My research was supervised by Assoc Prof Dr. Saadat Saeed (Durham Business School U.K) and Dr Hab. Oec. Vulfs Kozlinskis (RISEBA University of Business, Arts and Technology, Latvia). The topic of dissertation was “Multilevel Framework of Quality Entrepreneurship: Role of Entrepreneurial Networking and Country Level Institutional Environment”.

Journey of my PhD was started in Oct 2017. During these years great people have supported me on the way to this dissertation. I very much appreciate their support and encouragements.

Findings of my thesis are quiet useful for the policy maker and nascent entrepreneurs. Where, policy makers should introduce policies that enhance regulation which provide a secure environment for potential and nascent entrepreneur’s to carry their international entrepreneurial and innovative activities to increase rate of innovation and international entrepreneurship. In line with many established economies (Europe and USA), the results showed that economies with weak economic freedom could provide support for the new and nascent entrepreneur’s by establishing fully or partially public advisory consultancy services to save the costs (associated with consultation services) of these early-stage entrepreneurs so that they can benefit from smooth institutional conditions to pursue their innovative and international endeavors.

Further, nascent entrepreneurs benefit more from the set of individual actors involved in their professional and international network for achieving quality innovation. Therefore, for the entrepreneurs who are associated with innovative business should tend to focus on building quality relationships with the professional advisors and also with the international actors as well for gaining better insight on various technological advancements happening around the world.

For doctoral students I would like to say that PhD is more than just a degree rather it’s a very unique experience of life, so try to make it a good one. Most importantly I would like to say that don’t just rush for the supervisors but make your proposal strong enough and try to win supervisors it will make your journey very pleasant. This will happen by critically reading quality ABS ranked papers in your area of interest and question authors on their work by sharing your thoughts on their manuscript and then ask for supervision. This is how it should work.

Dr. Muhammad Umer Shahid

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